• import/add another .sdlppx to Trados project - Automation API

    Hello, I can't find out how to import/add other .sdlppx to Trados project. Example: Client send me more .sdlppx from one Trados project (split project according target language). I need join/merge this .sdlppx to one project. At first I create…
  • Terminology provider connection issue

    Dear RWS, I have created a custom terminology provider for Studio 2022, 2021 and 2019. It connects to a remote web service and use that as a source. When the studio loads the terminology provider, if the service is not available, user not available…
  • Withdraw a submitted request

    Hi Team, Is there a Mantra api to withdraw/cancel the submitted request for translation ? The link which I am referring is here
  • Can metadata value be updated via the API?

    Hi, I've looked at the current API and it seems there is no support for updating the metadata after a project is created. If this is true, will this be in the product road map? Thanks Kiet
  • sdl2019 and some problems.

    Hello, I upgraded my plug-in to be compatible with sdl2019, but I had some problems. 1. I try to follow the official method, but it seems to be impracticable. He hints that the plug-in defined in xx.plugin.xml contains references to the old SDL API…
  • Recommended size for Projects created through the API

    Hi, When developing an integration with SDL Managed Translation, what are SDL's recommendations regarding Project size and batching? How many files per project? What recommended word volume per project? Thanks Fred
  • API Timeout

    Hi, What is the recommended, reasonable timeout for an application using the API? Thanks in advance. Fred
  • API authentication and connections

    Hi, I have some questions regarding authentication and connections with the API: What are SDL's recommendations regarding the OAuth2 authentication? In particular, do you recommend the use of the Refresh token (as it seems there may be reliability…
  • RE: How can I access the API documentation for SDL Managed Translation?

    Hi there, The API docs are only available (online only) in-platform once you are logged in. Users will require a specific permission to view the API docs. The permission is called "Translation API". If you don't have this then please check with your…
  • How can I generate a Client ID and Secret when working with the Managed Translation API?

    I'd like to develop an application using the Managed Translation API but I'm not sure how or where I can generate an API key and secret?
  • How can I access the API documentation for SDL Managed Translation?

    I am interested in using the Managed Translation API and would like to check the API documentation. Where is the documentation available from and how can I request access? Is the documentation available in any offline formats?